Become a Professional

Please click on Pro Login if you were registered with Homeproo.

To become a cleaning professional in, you need to:
1. Meet the following criteria:
  • Minimum 1 year paid experience in cleaning residential or business buildings
  • Know cleaning procedures in cleaning kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom
  • Know how to use eco-friendly, and organic detergents, towels, and cleaning procedures
  • Can commute by yourself either by car, bus, or other transportations
  • Be Trustful and reliable
  • Be friendly and customer focus
2. Finish the following procedures:
  • Register with us through the application form
  • Pass our background check and identity verification
  • Meet our minimum test or pass a training class online or onsite
  • Get insurance covered for work
  • Receive uniform t-shirt and shoe or boot covers

As soon as you become our cleaning professional, you will get pay minimum twice of local minumum wage. In most metro cities, it will be over $20 per hour. You will also be covered by insurance to do your job. You decide what time, what zipcodes you want to do your cleaning service. Our Homeproo platform will provide you the customers.

If you'd like to become our cleaning professional, please fill out the following application form.

Personal Inforamtion

Please provide your Social Security Number.
Please provide your Driver License.
Please provide your first name.
Please provide your last name.
Please provide a valid address.
Please provide a valid city.
Please select a state.
Please provide a valid zipcode xxxxx.
Please provide a valid email
Please provide a valid phone number.
Please provide all zipcodes(coma delimited) you want to provide services in. No spaces allowed between digits.
Please introduce youself. This will show up to the user. Input no more than 500 characters.

How long cleaning experience do you have ?

Are you legal to work in the United States ?

What is your shirt preference?
What is your shoes or boots cover preference?

How did you hear about us?
If none of above, please describe